Odia Unicode Converter

Convert Odia Akruti/Sreelipi/GIST/Apranta/Sambad/ASCII font to Unicode font.

Register and login first. Paste your Akruti/Sreelipi/ASCII text in the left box and click on the left side buttons.

Click for unicode to akruti

Upload file and click on upload and convert.

Only Microsoft Office Word document is supported now.


Unicode to Akruti converterWordpress Plugin. Click to know

This tool converts Odia language ASCII/Legacy character encoding to Unicode Encoding. There are five types of most used character conversion option available now.
You need to register first. You can do that by clicking on the login button on the top right of the screen.
Copy the text from the source file and paste it in the left side box. Click on the source character type. If you don't know the type then click on all the buttons.
After the successful conversion, the Unicode text will be shown on the right side box. You can copy the whole Unicode text by clicking on the right side button.
You can clear text by clicking on the clear text button which will appear after each conversion.
For any help or issue please contact me on the contact page.